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The Scout Association is a uniformed youth organisation and as part of it Explorers have a uniform of blue cargo type trousers with a stone colour shirt and scarf. There is also a casual plain stone colour polo shirt which can be worn instead of the shirt on some occasions and we also have our own entirely optional T-shirts, polo shirts, and hoodies with the badger head logo.

Brocks Explorers also have a different policy on uniform to the younger sections. We spend a lot of our time doing activities where it isn’t sensible or necessary to wear uniform, scarf, etc and there is also a wider social aspect in the programme - some meetings are purely social gatherings of people who all happen to be Explorers. Our policy is therefore that the uniform shirt with awards, badges, etc, is worn on formal occasions such as St Georges Day and Remembrance Sunday, and any other similar type of situation where we are on show and the leaders decide it’s a “Uniform Occasion”.

Either the shirt, or polo shirt, or the Brocks clothing can be worn on other occasions where the Unit is in contact with the public and we want to show that we are part of Brocks Explorers and the Scout Association. Dress on all other occasions will be appropriate to what we’re doing, and for physical activities the polo shirt/trousers combination is often ideal - after all, that is what it was designed for. It helps your good clothes to stay that way and eliminates any wondering about what other people will be wearing; will I be too smart or too scruffy compared to everyone else, will my colours clash with anyone else, will anyone else be wearing the same? - this of course applies to the girls as much as the boys......

What does it cost?

Costs in Explorers tend to be slightly higher than the younger sections simply because we get out and about more and have a strong emphasis on outdoor activities. Being older and physically bigger we also sometimes have to pay adult rates. Our costs fall into two categories:


This is currently £12 per month payable by standing order which pays for:

Membership Fee - approximately £35 per year goes to the Ampthill & Woburn District as our membership fee. Some of this is then passed on to County and National levels to provide support services, insurance, and to pay for the running of the Scout Association.

"Rent" to Badger Hill Group for our use of their HQ with heating, lighting, water, etc

The general running costs of the Unit such as kit required for activities including the DofE award, scarves and badges, Insurance and maintenance of equipment, etc.  It is traditional that the Brocks Explorer scarf, and any awards or badges gained are presented by the Unit, rather than by the individual receiving them having to pay for them.

Any spare cash is used to pay for all or part of activity costs, and we keep a small amount in reserve to pay for deposits when booking activities, to cover routine expenses such as kit repairs, and to provide a contingency fund for unexpected expenses.