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Privacy Policy and Disclaimers
Personal Data
Our server collects statistics such as how many hits we get, when, what pages you look at, and the IP address of the server you came in from. We can’t identify who you are from this data, we’ll never ask you for personal details on this site, and we don’t install cookies on your PC.
Viruses, Trojans, Adware, etc.
The computer the site is built on and our host server both have regularly updated protection software, but we cannot guarantee to be totally free of viruses etc and we strongly recommend that you have your own up-
We have provided links to other sites we think you may find useful or interesting but we can take no responsibility for the content of those external sites. If one of these links doesn’t work, possibly because the other site has changed it’s address, or the link doesn’t take you where you expected to be taken, please tell us.
Any views expressed on this site are not necessarily the views of the Scout Association or of our partner Scout Group at Badger Hill.
As is the case with any photograph, the copyright belongs to the photographer who took it. We sometimes take photos at events we attend and activities that we do, and these photos may be uploaded to our Flickr website and may be used for Scouting publicity purposes, although we never identify or tag individuals in the photos. We check photos before uploading and don’t upload any which we think the people in them might not want in the public domain, and if we miss one we’ll willingly take it down.
If you or your parents have a specific reason why you do not want any photos of you used please discuss this with a leader.
Whilst we can attempt to control the use of our own photos we’re sure you realise that we cannot control other people taking photos with smartphones and posting them on social media.
Please ask before copying and/or reusing either photos or text from this site. If it’s for Scouting or charitable purposes we’re usually fine with that, but if it’s for anything else, particularly if you plan to make money out of the material without giving us a percentage of it, we’ll want to know exactly what you plan to do with it. Please be aware that lawyers are over-
The whole of this site is © Brocks Explorer Scout Unit 2002 -