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The Leader Team

Explorer Scouting is run by adult leaders, but it’s the ultimate example of the National policy of “Youth-Shaped Scouting”. This means that as far as possible decisions about what the Unit does are taken by the members and it is then the leaders task to implement this within the Scouting context and rules. We have a planning meeting at the start of every term and an annual review at which anything and everything is up for discussion.

Explorer Scout Leader:

James Britten : Having gone all the way through the younger sections including Brocks ESU, James is doing a degree apprenticeship and has now returned as ESL.

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Most Badger Hill Scouts move to Brocks Explorers, but they don’t have to if they’d prefer to join another Unit, and we have Scouts from other local  troops who’ve chosen to join Brocks. We have regular joint evenings and activities with the other Explorer Units in the District and also go to national Explorer events such as the Gilwell 24 in July each year.

Explorers have had both boys and girls as members since they started in 2002 following on from the Venture Scout Units which were also co-ed from when they started in 1967. That was also the year we dropped Boy Scouts, Scoutmasters, and Dib-dib-dib................   :-)

Scouting is the largest Youth Organisation in UK with 457,000 young people supported by 154.000 adults. In October 2018 Ampthill & Woburn District had over 5000 young people including nearly 60 Explorers, about 25% of whom are girls. Brocks is currently 12 strong with five girls. We started with four girls and five guys so the makeup of the Unit hasn’t changed much in 16 years.